Message from the director: We are committed to our mission; “To provide food and assistance to people in need in the Methow Valley while honoring and respecting one another during difficult times in our lives”. The Food Bank is open on Thursdays from 1-4pm. we serve walk-ins and also have a drive through option.
We look to the present, and the future, as we continue to work together to support this communitY.
"The Cove is about honoring and respecting one another at difficult times in our lives. Thankfulness rather than entitlement is our philosophy and at The Cove, we are all family. Come visit us on Thursdays from 1-4pm to share stories, have a healthy lunch, get the help you need or just lend a hand. We welcome you with open arms, open hearts and open minds."
- Glenn Schmekel
- Glenn Schmekel
Glenn Schmekel, Executive Director and founder of The Cove
You can contact him at [email protected]
You can contact him at [email protected]